It's an unfortunate fact that I have to report we haven't done any sailing, continued work on our on-board maintenance, or done anything connected with "Jo Beth" since last week. Perhaps unfortunate is not the best choice of words here; the reason we haven't gone sailing or continued with our work projects is that I've gotten quite busy with new work of the income generating kind.
Since I'm self-employed, being busy isn't really unfortunate; its merely another case of "life-interruptus." So, I thought I'd take the chance to say a little bit more about our plans with "Jo Beth" and introduce a couple of friends of ours.

"Jo Beth's" main saloon.

"Jo Beth's" galley.
From the time we met in Darien, Georgia way back in 1986, Lisa and I have shared a dream of voyaging the oceans aboard a small sailing yacht. It is a dream fueled by the tales and adventures of others that have gone before us; Eric and Susan Hiscock aboard many different boats named "Wanderer"; Hal and Margaret Roth aboard "Whisper"; Miles and Beryl Smeeton aboard "Tzu Hang"; and James Baldwin and Mei Huang, aboard "Atom", whom I'll introduce in a moment. "Jo Beth" is the yacht, the conveyance, that can make this dream a reality. She is designed and built to cross oceans. She's already made at least two round trip crossings of the Atlantic and numerous trips between United States and the Virgin Islands with her previous owner. We have every reason to believe she will take us at least that far, and much further if we play our cards right.

"Jo Beth" at Brunswick Landing Marina."
Where exactly do we want to go with "Jo Beth"? That's still up for discussion.
Thirty years ago, I was hell bent on sailing around the world. Some ten years later, when Lisa and I met and married, she shared the same dream with the same fervor. However, age has mellowed and softened me somewhat. Now, I mostly want to sail and I don't really care where. I want to go as long as it is fun. If that means venturing no more than a few hundred miles to the Bahamas, fine. If it means crossing the Atlantic, fine. If it means circling the globe, fantastic! But what if it means never leaving sight of the Georgia coast? Well...I hope that's not the case, but if it is, fine. As long as it's fun, I'm good.
We first met James Baldwin and his wife Mei Huang when we arrived at Brunswick Landing Marina back in 2003 while sailing north with "Jo Beth" from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Over the years, they've become good friends, and have lived (and are living) the life Lisa and I say we want. James has circled the globe twice on his 28' Pearson Triton sailboat named "Atom." Mei has sailed on many trips between the United States and the Caribbean and has crossed the Atlantic by small boat with James. James met Mei during his second global circumnavigation while he was working at the Hans Christian Yachts facility in Taiwan.

James Baldwin and Mei Huang.
James and Mei are now based in Brunswick and operate a business outfitting small sailing yachts for ocean voyaging, as well as general small sailing yacht repair and refurbishing. James regularly writes for many sailing magazines. You can read more about them and their voyaging adventures at their website.
James has done quite a bit of work for us aboard "Jo Beth" from electrical system upgrades to rigging and line maintenance and repair, to some structural modifications and cosmetic repair. His experience and knowledge gained over thousands of miles and days at sea are an invaluable resource.
Lisa and I are hopeful to get underway on a few trips before the summer heat and calms set in. When we do, I'll be sure to tell you about it.